Tuesday, May 24, 2011

KNH holds its Luzon Partner's Cluster Meeting

KNH recently held its Luzon Partner's Cluster Meeting last May 18-21 at the Raja Soliman Hotel in Baguio City. The said meeting was coordinated by the host partner, St. John Child Care Center.

Aside from the program and finance updates provided by Sir Peter and Mam Lolit, SHA meetings were also facilitated by Ms. Jia, and we welcomed the newest addition to the KNH Philippine Office, Ms. Sally.

As part of the capacity building initiatives of AWCD, two resource persons were invited to speak on two important topics.

Mr. Luis Morales of the Philippine Council for NGO Certification talked about the certification process for NGOs, and why one should be certified under PCNC.

Mr. Luis Morales of PCNC

Mr. Alex Hermoso also provided a talk about the intricacies of fund raising and resource mobilization, citing the experiences of PREDA.

Mr. Alex Hermoso of PREDA

With the majority of KNH supported partners entering into the consolidation phase, the need to discuss sustainability is a major and pressing issue now with these partners. The certification under PCNC and the pointers on resource mob provided by the two resource speakers, hopefully, has provided KNH partners, added insights on how to address the sustainability of their organizations.

To see the photo gallery, go to the next page:

KNH Luzon Cluster Photo gallery